Prerequisite - Node Js Command > npm -v //check nodejs version > npm install -g @angular/cli //install angular client > ng new app --style=scss --routing //create application, default style=css, add routing flag to create routing file\ > ng serve -o //start server File 1. index.html (specify app-root) 2. app.component.ts (descript app-root which contains ...) 2.1 app.component.html 2.2 app.component.scss Add component > ng generate component sidebar OR > ng g c posts //create file necessary files e.g. html, scss, ts Add service > ng generate service data Install angular animation >npm install @angular/animation@latest --save Build >ng build //To reduce the size >ng build --prod This will create /dist folder under project folder However, you may have to change base href at index.html e.g. <base href="/ng7/dist/ng7/"> ---------------------------------- ...